I grew up in Africa...

... a continent where I felt my lower body grow roots from my waist down as a tree reaches into the earth for her nourishment. I felt excitement and life surging through my veins as I was tossed about in the unpredictable waves of the Indian Ocean.

This free and wild childhood filled me with an energy that could not be contained. Nature was my teacher, refuge , companion and constant source of learning and inspiration. The more time I spend with her, the wider my eyes, ears, nose and heart burst open. Her overwhelming beauty and extra ordinary strength and courage and persistence to keep creating no matter what odds she is faced with, infuses me with awe, respect, determination and deep desire to honor her magic in some way.

I yearned to be able to paint, draw, sculpt and get lost in the creative stillness I witnessed my mother and sisters submerged in, but somehow, I felt this was not the area I was permitted to tread, as I bought too much energy and disruption to their sacred creative space.

When I told my mom that I wished I could be like her and paint and draw and sculpt, she gently and lovingly said:
“But Adrienne, you are not an artist. You are a wonderful dancer, gymnast, sportswoman and so good with people - stick to what you are good at my darling”.

Those words landed like lead in my heart and I ran back outside to bury my disappointment in natures beautiful arms.
So I continued with my energetic physical exploration and celebration of life where ever I was, clearly trying to burn out or outrun my desire to be still and create. It didn’t work! Many years later the physical symptoms of what I was suppressing became apparent.

I was diagnosed with a life -threatening disease. I was punctured 4 times in different parts of my body – medical accidents or vudu? I had two near death experiences ,and Was told there was nothing left that they could do to save my life!

What happened next is unexplainable, yet happened. Pumped with morphine, I fell into the abyss holding my husband’s hand. According to the nurses, we were out of this world for 35 mins, then I woke up. I looked at my husband and knew I was going to live.

I asked him what he did, and he just smiled and said: “I pumped my life force into you and prayed with all my heart and soul. “ His love, his life force, was so strong that it opened my veins for the first time in 4 days to receive the first drop of antibiotics to counteract the poison leaking from my punctured intestines into my body.

I had a dream that night that was so vivid ,that when I asked my husband to take me to a building I had seen in the dream the following day, he was stunned.


It literally brought me back from death. It entered my fading body in a haze of poison and morphine induced bliss. Like watching a river of water give life to a desert after a long hard dry summer, it flowed through my veins shocking my cells out of shut down mode. It entered as a crystal -clear dream where I met a man who reached out to me from another dimension and yet he inhabited earth with such presence and teaching, that he could no longer be ignored.

I was 90lbs, thinning hair and barely strong enough to stand. But thankfully my husband heard and trusted me , and he took me to the place I had seen in my dream, but never been to before.

Inside was the beautiful man I had met in my dream. He was teaching Qi Gung and Tai Chi, neither of which I had heard anything about before. I stood unsurely at the back of the class and followed as best I could.

Then there was a movement called “Golden Eagle Spreads Wings to Embrace Child” – I repeated it a few times then simply felt as if someone had turned on a beautiful waterfall inside of me. The water just flowed from my eyes without the feeling of sadness accompanying it.

Shortly after this exercise, he dismissed the class and came over to me , looked me in the eyes and said: “I know you are very ill. If you work with virtue, I will teach you how to heal yourself”.

From that moment on, he was at my side teaching me how to play with energy for 4-6 hours a day. I was off all medication after 3 months, and to this day, 21years later, have not had a relapse into the disease. We opened a school together and taught many the power of connecting with the energy we have in and around us. My study of the 5 element theory was particularly intriguing to me as I understood and now felt my inextricable link to nature and her elements.

So yes, this is some of my story and I share all this with you to illustrate that no matter what pain, crises or opportunities you get in life, there is synergy, there is a divine natural order and it all presents itself to you when you are awake and ready.

PLAY IT OUT brings together my physical breakdown and mastery, my mental agility, my spiritual awakening, and my creative passion into a game that I have now leant to play with all my heart. One that embraces all of me, all my faculties, all my passions, pleasures and pains.

It is an invitation to dive into your divine soul and Play It Out in ways that are joyful and meaningful to you and that the world is waiting to be blessed with – your own magic spirit of wholeness, your unique soul journey in physical manifestation.

It is you who decides which of your parts you will play out in each moment. Which of your many facets you will draw upon and play with in that moment. Who am I being right now? Any path that is based on being yourself, all aspects of you – will lead you to your light – your unique expression.

With this age of information overload and seeming chaos, we are wisest to go within before we can expand and embrace it all – or we will simply explode. Coming from within, from our core state of being, we will automatically connect to and resonate with that which is in flow with our path towards our soul purpose. Connect to your soul first, bathe and dance there, then come and play it out.

If you don’t know what to do, how to fill the emptiness inside, how to heal the pain and feeling of loneliness, then do this, PLAY IT OUT and change your life in a positive way forever. Give yourself this gift, the gift of discovering that you ARE an artist, that you ARE filled with CREATIVE energy and ability to express and live a joyous life, that you do and can make a real difference, that you are an integral part of the healing of this planet, and that you do have something unique to you that helps makes sense of it all– just by tapping into your CREATIVE potential, into your soul power into divine energy.

You will cultivate your independence and need no body as you do this, it is for you and at the same time it is not a selfish act of pleasure as it is part of a cosmic global canvas

– You will be stepping up to PLAY your part and contribute your magic to the CANVAS, to this stunning canvas of human evolution.